Prakruti means body constitution or original creation.

Ayurveda has a unique concept of Prakruti of each individual.

Depending on the predominance of five basic elements and mental qualities in sperm and ovum at the time of conception, the individual’s prakruti is decided.

Prakruti is also described to be influenced by maternal factor including the intra uterine environment, food and regimen adopted by the mother at the time of pregnancy.

The basic constitution which is fixed at the time of fertilization generally remains constant throughout the life of individual.

Ayurveda has also explained the food and lifestyle as per individual constitution.

Feat Vata Pitta Kapha
Body Frame Lean Built, Think and Bony Moderate Well Built
Sleep Little disturb sleep Moderate and good sleep Prolonged and very sound
Digestion Irregular Quick Slow
Appetite Irregular Strong, Unbearable hunger Low, Can tolerate hunger and fasting
Emotion Fearful anxious, Nervous Short tempered, Anger Calm and relaxed
Activity Level Hyperactive Moderate Slow, Sluggish and sedentary
Bowl Movement Constipated, Move prone to flatulence Loose Moderate, Solid
Stamina Short Moderate Strong
Eyes Small, active lots of blinking, dry Sharp, penetrating, Medium reddish sclear Large beautiful, moist with white sclera
Hair Dry, Brittle,Frizzy and Wavy or Curly Straight, oily, brown in color, Premature graying Lastours dark color, Slightly oily
Sweating Less Profuse with smell Less sweating
Body Weight Low Medium Large, heavy
Memory Less, forgetful Sharp Slow strong
Complesion Dark Fair, Reddish, Prone to sunburns Light, clear


AGNI is responsible for digestion of food, metabolism and transformation of vital energy to one part to other part in body.

Agni converts food in the form of energy which is responsible for all the vital function of your body.

Ayurveda has explained 13 different kind of agni in our body

JATHARGNI-One Agni presents in the stomach

BHUTAGNIi- Five agni from five basic elements.

DHATWAGNI- Seven agni present in each of the seven dhatus.


The concept of AMA is unique in ayurveda. In classical text of ayurveda, AMA is described as the underlying cause of many health issues.

AMA is an ‘unripe’, ‘uncooked’ ‘raw’ immature undigested substance in body.

Formation of small amount of Ama is a normal part of digestive process but when it is not regularly cleared and eliminated, ama become hugely problematic.

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The concept of AMA is unique in ayurveda. In classical text of ayurveda, AMA is described as the underlying cause of many health issues.

AMA is an ‘unripe’, ‘uncooked’ ‘raw’ immature undigested substance in body.

Formation of small amount of Ama is a normal part of digestive process but when it is not regularly cleared and eliminated, ama become hugely problematic.

Ama is easy to clear from the digestive track but once it spreads into deeper tissues, it becomes much more difficult to eliminate. As Ama accumulates in the body, it inevitably clogs the channels of the body and disturbs tissue nutrition.


In an autoimmune disease, there is a wrong reaction of our defense mechanism against the body’s own tissues. It identifies all foreign substances that invade our body.

Autoimmune disease occurs when body is working hard to defense against potentially hazardous substances such as allergens, toxins and infection. But it does not see the difference between the invaders and our own body cells.

Ayurveda describes this in a slightly different way.

Immune system do not attack body’s own cells accidentally, it does need to defense against ama which has been accumulated in certain physiological systems.

Ama does not reveal itself directly physically, but express itself through the effects it has on the body.

The presence of Ama in the body cells is easy to recognize by some questionnaires.

At early stage, Ama can be cured easily but the physical condition persists for an extended period of time, Ama starts to accumulate in channels of body and makes metabolic system sluggish that result again in more production of Ama.

Repeated suppression of Ama for long time, make a permanent space deep in cells which encourage defense mechanism to attack body’s own tissue along with Ama.

Autoimune system detects Ama as a toxin and tries to clear it out by attacking on them with body’s own tissue.

Once Ama can be removed by some ayurveda medicine, auto immune system will not attack on body’s own tissue.


There are many reasons that Ama can begin to accumulate in the body.

Poor diet

Over eating or irregular eating habits.

Regular consumption of raw, cold and uncooked food such as salad.

Consumption of contaminated food,  processed food, preservative food, tin food on regular base.

Intense emotional tension.

A detrimental lifestyle

High stress, lack of routine, excess or lack of sleep, lack of exercise.


  • Obstruction of channels
  • constipation
  • Loss of physical strength
  • Heaviness feeling in body.
  • Lethargic feeling
  • Loss of appetite
  • Malaise